LMS Metal Detecting
Boosting your detecting capability with an accessory coil

Whether you are just getting started or have been metal detecting for many years most of us are always looking for an edge-up with new better performing gear leading to a higher level of success. Introducing a new accessory coil into your setup could be just what you are looking for. While there are many options like size, shape, and type, your detector will determine the type that is compatible. However, you will have size and shape options that could greatly improve your metal detecting experience. There is no doubt some folks prefer a certain coil size/shape on any site and will resist change simply because they like it, and others might be more subject to change things up with a better option for the conditions at hand to possibly improve detecting productivity. However, with so many different coil types out there, it can be a daunting task to select the best one for you. Today we’ll take you through the different coil sizes, shapes and construction to help you pick the best one for you and your detecting sites.
The size of a coil can influence the detection depth and sensitivity of a metal detector. A good rule of thumb is ‘the larger the coil, the more ground you can cover and the deeper it can go’. This sounds like the be all and end all, but the extra depth comes at a cost. Large coils have less sensitivity to smaller targets and a greater susceptibility to Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI), meaning you may have to notch that sensitivity right back down, depending on the interference of the location you hunting.
On the other hand, smaller coils have greater sensitivity to smaller, shallow targets and are less susceptible to EMI. There’s also the added benefit that small coils can fit in very confined areas. Of course the cost here is the coverage on each swing has decreased in size meaning it might be easier to miss a good target and possibly lose a little depth if you’re not able to notch that sensitivity back up some with less EMI interference.
For coin and treasure detecting, the larger coils are best where you want to cover large areas quickly, where smaller coils are great if you’re in areas with lots of shallow targets mixed in close proximity with undesirable iron targets.
For natural gold detecting, generally you will be in remote areas that have little to no EMI, so a large coil will give you more ground coverage with maximum sensitivity and depth. While smaller coils will provide increased sensitivity to small nuggets close to the surface.
Coil shape can be an important factor. Circular coils are the most common because they are stable and offer the best performance, while different, non-circular shapes are used where there is a need to conform to a particular physical requirement.
Elliptical coils are easier to maneuver around bushes or between rocks, while still covering the same amount of ground as a circular coil of the same size.
Open web coils are lighter and reduce drag for aquatic hunters to pass through water.

The Monoloop coil features a single winding around the outside of the housing that both transmits (Tx) and receives (Rx) signals, producing a large cone shaped pattern and typically giving the best depth. Although the Monoloop coil can provide better depth than the Double-D, the monoloop can be more difficult to ground balance in heavily mineralized soils where the Double-D reins supreme.
Smart Coils

Today’s smart coils include features such as advanced signal boosting, which enables faster target response and increased depth. Along with digital processing, smart coils also improve immunity to electrical noise, sensitivity to smaller, deeper targets and normalized target ID’s across all coils available for a detector.
While it is important to remember that your stock coil included with your detector will always be a good overall choice for normal use with decent coverage, depth, and sensitivity, there might be an additional option that better fits your site and/or hunting technique. Using an additional accessory size or shape coil can completely transform your detector and drastically increase your productivity. Whether you prioritize ground coverage, depth or sorting the trash from treasure, there is one to suit your detecting site and style.
Jeff – The NOX coils will not work on a Manticore. Although they will plug-in to the module, you will get a CD error code on power up and the machine will shut back down. ✌
Wondering if a NOX 15" coil will run on my Manticore?
Thanks guys, my Nox 900 did come with a 6 inch coil and it seemed too small to me for anything useful, but after reading this I decided to try it out on my trashy site. All I can think about now is why didn’t I try this much earlier? Wow what an amazing change-up, I was able to find a lot more stuff mixed in with all the iron trash. I’m still seeing really great depth with it too! Super awesome article that helped me out a lot.
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