Garrett | 1/4 Inch Headphone Adapter to 2-Pin AT Series Connection | LMS Metal Detecting
Manufacturer SKU 1626000
Garrett 1/4" Headphone Adapter to 2-Pin (AT Series, ATX, Sea Hunter II, Infinium LS)
Product highlights:
The new headphone adapter will allow customers to use any brand of wired headphones that have a standard 1/4" jack connector. Perfect for the AT Pro, this adapter turns your 1/4" jack into the 2-pin proprietary connector from Garrett.
*Please Note : Designed primarily for the AT Pro, but will also work with other models from Garrett including the AT Gold, AT Max, ATX Series, Garrett CSI Pro, Sea Hunter Mark II and Infinium LS. We use the included tie-strap to attach to the upper rod section.